
FINNSHEEP r.y. r.f - Finland

Founded in January 2004

The aim of this association is
• To act as a connecting link between the Finnsheep breeders in Finland.
• Look after for the conservation of the variation in the breed.
• Develop and promote the cooperation between the Finnish Sheep Breeders’ Association.
• To keep the breed pure.
• To try to assist and support the measures taken in favour of Finnsheep.

These webpages will also serve as an international link between Finnsheep breeders through out the world.

Finnsheep is in origin a Finnish landrace. We have the widest genetic Finnsheep population. Finnsheep have many production characteristics which other sheep breeds do not have or they do not combine in the same breed. It is a result of longterm and local development. It is the best suited breed to its’ own environment.

This sheep breed belongs to the short tailed landraces, which are genetically nearer to the wild sheep than most of the domestic European sheep breeds. The determined breeding of Finnsheep started after the foundation of the Finnish Sheep Breeding association in 1918. The aim has been in the improving of the meat and wool production qualities of the breed.

Finnsheep is one of the most prolific sheep breeds in the world.
This means
• multiple lambs per ewe (large lamb crop)
• early fertile maturity
• good fertility
• capability to frequent lambing

Other good qualities are
• low requirement of maintenance feed
• good use of roughage
• liveliness of the lambs comparing to their size
• soft, lustrous and rather fine wool
• Finnsheep is not very prone to copper toxicity © Finnsheep r.y. r.f Photo: Taru Hokkanen / Savon Sanomat